Maximize ROI with Hyper-Relevant Member Engagement

Member engagement is a key component in promoting health literacy and activating appropriate behaviors across a population. By engaging with their membership, payers and providers are also more likely to realize maximum reimbursement under a value-based care payment system.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines Social Determinants of Health as the complex, integrated, and overlapping social structures and economic systems that are responsible for most health inequities. These social structures and economic systems include the social environment, physical environment, health services, and structural and societal factors. Research shows that medical care exerts less influence on a person’s health than social factors such as access to housing, transportation and nutritious food. About 80% of a person’s state of health is the result of socioeconomic status, physical environment, health behaviors and biology, according to a 2013 report by the National Conference of State Legislatures.

How well are you utilizing social determinants of health in your member engagement plan?

Social determinants and predictive analytics enable more accurate risk segmentation and suspecting. That means you are pinpointing the right members to engage at the right time with the right intervention. Psychographic segmentation takes that one step further by delivering personalized messages through an appropriate channel mix to amplify desired behavior change across a population. This whitepaper will discuss how to leverage these factors to execute and track the success of hyper-relevant member engagement.

Download this whitepaper to learn:

  • How Social Determinants of Health can be used for more accurate risk segmentation in Population Health Management
  • How targeted programs can be built based upon each member’s propensity to engage
  • What psychographic segmentation is and how it can be used to motivate healthy behaviors among members/patients

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