VitreosHealth Launches AI-driven, ETL-as-a-Service for Healthcare Market

New Solution Leverages the Vitreos Healthcare Data Enrichment platform to create 360-degree member view.

Dallas, TX, November 1, 2017 – VitreosHealth™, the Predictive Healthcare Insights company, announced its new AI-Driven, healthcare data enrichment service today. This data enrichment service helps providers and payers who are struggling with reconciling data from multiple sources to create a sole source of truth – what Vitreos calls, the 360-degree member view.

There are several reasons why building an accurate member record is challenging:

  1. Different health plan data sources provide data formats with varying levels of granularity
  2. Difficulty in mapping claims to laboratory and EHR data
  3. Incomplete data at a member level
  4. Poor data quality
  5. Lack of domain/clinical knowledge resulting in poor outcomes from analysis
  6. Inflexible data models fall short of addressing wide range of value-based healthcare challenges
  7. Takes too long to deliver insights
  8. Expensive to build and implement

However, building this 360-degree member record is important for any downstream retrospective or prospective analytics.

“These challenges make customers nervous to venture into AI-based advanced analytics projects despite the immense potential business impact,” says Jay Reddy, CEO of VitreosHealth.

The Technology Services team at VitrosHealth has worked with data sources from major health plans, EMR platforms, labs, and pharmacy and mental health data sets as part of their predictive modelling service. Over the last 6 years, VitreosHealth has developed a robust data enrichment service platform called the VETL® to ingest and reconcile data from various data sources to provide 360-degree member view at a significantly lower cost than compared to doing it inhouse.

“As an independent analytics vendor, we needed to be the Switzerland of data collection, cleansing, normalization and validation to help our internal data scientists build robust predictive models. Now, we have become so good at it that we have decided to provide this as a service to our customer’s BI Analytics and IT groups,” said Prakash Guggilam, VP of Engineering and Technology Services at VitreosHealth.

“Every organization is confident at handling the specific data required for their own reporting needs, but when it comes to integrating new data sources for advanced analytics projects, it’s a different ball game. Most of the time and monies are spent before the data scientists and clinical experts even get to the modelling stage,” says Jay Reddy, CEO of VitreosHealth.

Contact VitreosHealth to understand how Vitreos is packaging and delivering ETL-as-a-Service for all payers and providers pursuing value-based contracts.

About VitreosHealth

VitreosHealth offers the first Insights-as-a-Service delivery model for advanced population health analytics. They leverage Big Data and predictive and rescriptive health insights for population risk models that provide a complete view into the healthcare continuum. Their adaptive insights achieve a patient-centric focus for each perspective within a healthcare organization that leads to quality health outcomes and improves financial performance for a measurable return on investment. VitreosHealth was recently awarded Frost & Sullivan’s 2016 North America Award for New Product Innovation for Advanced Population Health Analytics Solutions.

Press Contact

Aash Bansal

VitreosHealth – (972) 954-9992

[email protected]

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